Posted By C-Care
A stroke occurs when a blood vessel carrying blood and oxygen to the brain gets blocked or ruptured. With the brain cells getting deprived of blood and oxygen, the nerve cells stop working and die within minutes. The part of the brain they control also stops functioning. This effect can be permanent depending on how many cells are lost.
Going by statistics, roughly 800,000 persons in the US become victims of stroke each year, making this an average of one person suffering from a stroke every 4 minutes. Not surprisingly, this has become the leading cause of disability and is among the top five leading causes of death in the US. And for most of those who survive, a host of life-time debilitating conditions persist – from changes in mobility, speech, bowel functions and more.
Suffering a stroke though, does not mean an end to living, in general. With the right care and early treatment the damage can be minimized; in fact, victims can even recover completely from a stroke.
If you or your loved one has suffered a stroke, here is a 6-Step Process designed to help you on the road to recovery:
So it becomes essential to make the house a safer zone for the stroke-affected person. Here are some tips to keep in mind –
As a first-time stroke victim on the path to recovery, it may particularly be difficult for you to come to terms with this new reality. It is important that you try your best to stay calm and controlled, and gather the mental strength needed perceive your current situation from a different lens, but with a new hope. The collective support of family, friends and other near and dear ones is most needed.
Try to understand and analyze what caused the stroke. Do not let stress and depression take over you or your loved one. Monitor the patient closely and give them the requisite care.
Once you have acknowledged the issue it is important to devise a robust recovery plan, which can set you on the path to faster healing and an improved, healthy life. Rehabilitation typically begins within two days after a stroke has occurred, and must continue even post your release from the hospital, till you can function independently. If you think rehab care in the hospital makes you feel more depressed and dependent, you can opt for home therapy or outpatient therapy as well. Do not delay in consulting a physiotherapist, dietician and a counselor, if required.
As a stroke victim, you may be experiencing anxiety, depression, self-loathing, self-pity and stress. It is therefore vital that you do not cut yourself off from society and suffer in isolation. Indulge in activities and events that connect you with family, friends and the society. Be part of social groups with people sporting similar interests, learn and share experiences and emotions. Understand that you are not alone in the journey. There are many like you sailing along.
Keeping social interaction as a part of your recovery process can aid in faster healing, and bringing about enhanced mobility, improved memory and speech and more.
It is important that you stay positive and take charge of your life and let a stroke hinder your spirit. The goal is to crush any negative self-talk about post-stroke effects you may have heard of or read, and believe you can completely recover and reclaim your life.
Are you or your loved one trying to recover from a stroke and find new hope? At C-Care, we provide Registered Nurses and certified Personal Support Workers that can aid in rehabilitation of stroke victims and help them regain their independence. A comprehensive personalized recovery plan – which includes therapy, daily assistance activities, and attention to mental health issues – is assured to every stroke victim.
Call us today at 1-416-724-2273 or contact us here for a free consultation.
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