23 Nov 2018

5 Joys Seniors Bring to those Around Them

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5 Joys Seniors Bring to those Around Them


Have you spent time with a senior loved one recently? If not, now’s the time to get in touch and reconnect. There are plenty of reasons to spend time with those older than you — you’ll hear stories that’ll make you laugh, you’ll pick up a new dance move or two, and you might even get to eat the best baked treats you’ve ever had. But that’s not all — here are five joys seniors bring to those around them.


Beyond those hilarious yet slightly inappropriate jokes your grandpa likes to tell at Christmas, many elderly people also like to use humour to deal with their age or illness. They’re often able to laugh at the process of getting older and use it to help deal with situations that are often hard to talk about. This laughter can help ease everyone around them and also bring more joy into their own lives.


There’s nothing quite like listening to stories from decades before you were born. As seniors reminisce, it’s always enjoyable to watch them become incredibly happy as they recall fond memories from their yesteryears. Seeing the pure joy on their faces is contagious, and can easily make you smile, laugh, and cry along with them.


Music is a powerful tool that can be used to stimulate good memories. And if there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s that many seniors love to listen to the songs of their generation and dance like no one is watching.

Cooking and Baking

Who doesn’t love a good home-cooked meal from your grandparents? Cooking a favourite meal that has been passed down through generations is always an enjoyable and tasty experience.

Teaching Valuable Life Skills

Seniors have lived through more than some of us could ever imagine. Talking with seniors and listening to their stories can teach you lessons about life you wouldn’t learn anywhere else.

As health care support workers, we know how valuable it is to spend time with seniors. They make us laugh, dance, cry, and they can help us to remember a simpler time. That’s why at C-Care Health Services, we value and love our jobs. We take pleasure in helping those who have contributed to shaping the world that we live in today and have contributed greatly to our society. We take care of your loved ones like we would want ours to be taken care of. When you hire one of our private care workers, you can feel confident that you’re getting the highest quality care for your loved one.

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