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22 Feb 2018

6 Ways Aging Affects The Brain

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Because our brain helps us to remember, organize tasks, make decisions and plan, its health is essential to living a healthy and independent life. As we age, many changes occur within our bodies. Muscles are less flexible, our vision changes, it becomes more difficult to do certain physical tasks. Our brain experiences changes as well. One common change in seniors is mild forgetfulness. The depth of this symptom is a marker for normal aging. We are all going to get older, as are our parents, so let’s look at 6 ways aging affects the brain. Some Undisputed Facts Brain functions tend to decline as we age but vary from person to person. There is no size fits all. Blood flow is reduced in certain parts of the brain especially those related to learning abilities. This is exacerbated by high blood pressure, high cholesterol and fats, as well as smoking. Consequently,…

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20 Feb 2018

How To Help Kids Understand Alzheimer’s

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Let’s face it. When a family member develops Alzheimer’s or Dementia, it affects the entire family in some way. Caring for a parent in their home or having them move into a family member’s home brings on a myriad of issues. Lots of adjustments must be made. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget about the most vulnerable and sensitive members of the family: the children. Youngsters see things through different eyes and conger up all sorts of misconceptions and fears. If you are dealing with Alzheimer’s home care, let us give you some direction for how to help kids understand Alzheimer’s. Don’t Pretend Everything Is The Same It’s important to spend time with children talking them through changes they are witnessing. Even in the early stages of the disease, explain what is going on in a language a child can grasp. If a loved one with Alzheimer’s has moved into a caregiver’s…

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8 Feb 2018

Tips For Getting Organized For A Medical Emergency

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Elderly dementia care can be a full time job. If you are also responsible for a family of your own, the stresses can become overwhelming. You are only able to be in one place at a time — although your family may think differently. One way to reduce some of the burden that comes with caring for a loved one is to plan ahead for emergency situations. Knowing you are prepared for various scenarios will help you sleep better at night. Let’s look at several tips for getting organized for a medical emergency, especially with a senior. Consider What Could Happen Of course, anything can happen but depending on the senior, some problems are more likely to occur than others. Is your senior still living at home? Do they live with you? Do they have ambulatory issues, are they hearing impaired, diabetic, or have heart disease? Consider everything, then determine…

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29 Jan 2018

How To Handle Your Elderly Parent’s Unusual Behaviour

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We’ve all seen those Hallmark cards depicting a sweet old lady sitting in her rocking chair, with her spouse gently feeding the birds. Unfortunately, life isn’t always a Hallmark card. If you find yourself caring for elderly parents, it can be very challenging! Reality hits you in the face when your elderly parents exhibit unusual behaviour. If you are involved in Alzheimer’s care in Toronto, unusual behaviour can actually be the norm. Let’s take a look at some of the more common “unusual behaviours” and how to handle them. Personal Hygiene Issues Many elderly people will resist bathing and putting on clean clothes everyday. If they had been scrupulous about cleanliness in their youth, this can be quite shocking for you. They may even become belligerent when you try to encourage them to take a shower. Seniors can lose their sense of smell, as well as knowing what day it…

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22 Jan 2018

Everything You Need To Know About Dementia

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Your mom suddenly gets lost driving back from her neighborhood grocery store. Your dad can’t figure out which tool to use to fix that squeaky door. You discover that your parents’ bills have not been paid for months. When you ask them about it, they act defensive, nervous, or even get angry. What is happening to them? We will share with you everything you need to know about dementia. Dementia Is Not A Disease Contrary to what many people believe, dementia is NOT a disease. Dementia encompasses a wide group of symptoms where the patient develops a progressive loss of cognitive functions, especially memory, which ultimately affects their daily activities. It also affects their behaviour, communication, and relationships. A patient can develop dementia slowly over time, so the symptoms are not always that noticeable. Dementia or mental decline is NOT a common result of aging. In fact, early onset dementia…

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